Haslet Fire Dept.
Support Group
" Our brotherhood protecting your neighborhood"
The Haslet FD Support Group is a non-profit orginization running off donations from the citizens and businesses of the Haslet area. We aid in funding the Haslet Volunteer FD by hosting several fundraising events throughout the year. We have assisted the Fire Dept. in several equipment purchases to equip them with the best tools possible to serve the Haslet Citizens. We also run the firefighter rehab unit. This unit provides firefighters with the necessary hydration, food, and body cooling tools required by law to maintain health on scene of a fire. Each firefighter will consume an average of 5 bottles of water, 4 bottles of Gatorade, and many snacks. All of these things must be bought by donation money or by donations of the items.
** monetary donations may be dropped off at the fire station (1701 FM156 Haslet, TX 76052)**
** Water, Gatorade, Snacks, Rags, etc... can be dropped off at the fire station (1701 FM156 Haslet, TX 76052)**
The Haslet Fire Dept. and Support Group thank you for your consideration!